Friday, March 27, 2009

Hiding the "Home" Site Tab in SharePoint's Global Navigation

Occasionally I am asked to hide the "Home" site link in SharePoint's global navigation menu. This Home link is usually located in the top-left of the page and is the first link in the menu.

If you've named your top-level site something other than Home then that name is what appears.

Over the years I have seen all sorts or solutions out there, ranging from JavaScript to writing custom .Net navigation controls. I'm not going to say which is right or wrong, but I will say I have a much simpler solution I pulled off with CSS. The drum roll please...

td#zz1_TopNavigationMenun0 {

Ta-da. That is it.

As it turns out, the zz1_TopNavigationMenun0 ID is unique to the TD containing the Home link. See here... this is the DOM as seen in the IE Dev Toolbar.

Adding my CSS above to an alternate CSS file has worked every time. Enjoy. ;-)


Unknown said...


I was spending a lot of time with ShowStartingNode="false", etc.

Now I can go home.

Gaz said...


Do you know how to change the text on the "My Site" and "My Profile" tabs within a users my site?

Unknown said...

Pefecto! Thanks a lot! Saved my day